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About Activeu


Hi I'm Emma!

I have worn a few career hats over the years. I trained as a Registered Nurse when I left school. Nursing ignited my passion for being with people and helping restore them to a place of health.


Fast forward to my 40's, a wedding, the birth of two wonderful little humans and a move home to New Zealand from many years overseas.


I needed a new challenge,  something for just me, so I retrained as a Personal Trainer, encompassing my love of helping people with my nerdy zest for learning about the body!

I love working with kids, helping them embrace a love of movement and in turn healthy habits.

Fitkidz was born, to provide "exerguise" ( exercise in disguise!) to kids in my community. 

Those small humans re ignited my inner child, they are so inspiring!

There was something missing in my career puzzle....

I found this in 2019 when I met  John Polley, who blasted my eyes open to the power of the Myofascial tissue network within the body and the endless possibilities for freedom of movement it can bring for people.

I trained as an Advanced Myofascial Movement and Lymphatic Reset Coach, to help clients move freely without restriction, pain, swelling, inflammation and toxicity in their body. 

In 2020 I was introduced to another wonderful mentor, Dr Stewart Gillespie and my passion for Functional Health and wellness from the inside out was born! 

I'm the body detective! Taking time to piece together a lifetime of health and lifestyle history clues to find the root cause of symptoms and help my clients with solutions for regaining health and wellness.


I hope to meet you one day, so I may be able to help you.

Emma xx

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